Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'd like to get on my soap box for a second if you don't mind

So... I'm not really one for blog rants, but for some reason, this got me so worked up I have stopped what I was about to do (a little Yoga) in order to post this on my blog and tell you all about it.. mostly so poor Jered doesn't have to hear it anymore.

It all started innocently enough.  We were getting ready for our nightly work out (possibly bi or tri nightly) and Jered was complaining about his double chin and saying he wished that there was an exercise to get rid of all that pesky neck fat.  Me, the optimist, told him not to worry, this is what google was invented for and proceeded to type in "is there a way to work out your double chin?"  A web site came up claiming to have "workouts to lose your double chin."  This is when it all happened.  You all might be thinking my petpeeve has something to do with double chins or google or work outs... wrong on all accounts.  My BIGGEST pet peeve it this.. well just read it:

If you are interested in doing exercises to lose double chin here are a few of the very best and which are going to be helpful to you here.

Head Roll

One of the best exercises to lose double chin is the head roll. To do, you just stand comfortably and then let your head fall to your chest until it is resting on your chest. Now you want to roll it to the left and up, and then roll towards the other way to the right, until it is all the way there. You just stretching you neck but you will feel the work out in this area.

This is definitely one of the best exercises to lose double chin that you can try out, and one that is going to be successful if you want to get rid of that awful double chin.

Head Bob

Another great exercise that is going to help you get rid of your double chin is the head bob. This is another of the best exercises to lose double chin, because especially if you do it repetitively, you are going to find that you are able to get rid of your double chin.

As you begin to lose weight and get in shape, your double chin will start to go along with it. No one wants to have a double chin, and it is nice to know that there are lots of great exercises that you can do that are going to help you out with your double chin. If you want to be effective at this you will have to keep it.

Sorry it that was a bit lengthy to read.. but I hope you are all picking up what I'm putting down.  For anyone who has ever taken a basic English class, they will quickly pick up on just how POORLY this was written.  My exact words were, as I read it out loud in a voice that got louder and more annoyed, "it sounds like a five year old wrote it."  Run on sentences, repeating the same thing over and over.. she used HOLE for the word WHOLE for crying out loud.  AND THIS IS A PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE!  Like they sell videos and have a weight loss store.  My feeling is.. if you own a store and have your own set of videos and can't write.. HIRE someone! Or at least proof read what you're putting out for the whole world to read!  

SUMMARY: One of Mariah's biggest pet-peeves.. five year olds and grown ups who write like them.  



  1. I'm just guessing, but i don't think English is their first language. Let's hope not anyway!

  2. Mariah, I thought this was a great wall post. This wall post was really cool. I really like that your wall post said wat they rote rong. I think that your wall post was professional in the way that you wall posted about the way that the other website was too immature to be a professional website in the way that they rote about loosing weight in the upper neck area. Thank you for wall posting this and pointing out how dum people can be in their righting of websites and how unprofessional people can people when righting all together. I feel so much more informed. I loved youre wall post.
